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This Service Level Agreement (SLA) governs the services provided by PDA International, consisting of cloud-computing software services. This service level describes the qualitative and quantitative terms of the service level that are to be achieved for these services provided by PDA International. 

This SLA describes the standard service level provided with each service, along with any possible additions thereto. 

Term of the SLA 

This SLA has no expiry date and will be valid until a new version of the SLA is in place. 

This SLA will be reviewed on a periodic basis in order to incorporate any new circumstances into the document that were not yet known or available at the time the previous version of the SLA was drafted. A new version of the SLA will be subject to the procedures defined in the General Terms and Conditions. 

PDA International Infrastructure

Data Centre facilities 

PDA International uses AWS as data center provider located in the Paris, France region. These centers were selected based on reputation, procedures, certification and GDPR compliant location.

Network infrastructure

The data centers are arranged in a ring topology, with interconnectivity to multiple transit providers through several 10 Gbit connections. The internal transport network is structured completely around a 10-Gbit infrastructure. 

The network components are all redundant, which means failure of one of the components should not result in the loss of network connectivity. 

Infrastructure related to services 

The clusters for cloud servers are based on specialized data storage nodes, with data distributed among various hard disks. A number of hosting nodes are connected to the storage nodes. Each cluster has an amount of reserve capacity, ensuring that the failure of at least one of the hosting nodes can be compensated for. In the event of a hosting node failing, the PDA International failover system will immediately reboot the server on a different hosting node. Other PDA International services are structured according to the same philosophy. 

The servers operating systems are Microsoft Windows Server 2016 with Internet Information Server hosting servers and runs on C#.NET language. 

All the information between the user and the PDA Servers are encrypted with SSL-128 Bits. We also use Cloudflare dns software to improve our security between final user and servers.

Availability, maintenance and reporting

The infrastructure of PDA International is designed to provide high availability. 

Availability of the Services 

All the services are subject to the availability guarantee. 

PDA International guarantees 99% availability per calendar month on all its services. 

A service is available if all of the following two elements are available: 

  • The website to enter new assessment by candidates or employees.
  • The website to manage assessments previously enter by candidates/employees.

If one of the above-mentioned elements is unavailable for a specific service, this service will be deemed to be unavailable. Scheduled maintenance and force majeure events do not qualify as unavailability. 

The availability of a service for the month in question is subsequently calculated as follows: 

Availability = (Minutes in relevant calendar month / Period of unavailability in minutes) / minutes in relevant calendar month. 

If availability guarantee is not achieved 

If the services does not achieve an availability rate of 99%, in accordance with the calculation above, the User will be entitled to compensation equal to the costs of the relevant service during that month. This compensation will be deducted from the next invoices issued. 

Maintenance and maintenance windows 

PDA International will perform maintenance on the servers and software from time to time. 

Regular maintenance is scheduled in maintenance windows that are announced at least one week in advance by email. This email will contain a brief overview of the work to be performed, along with a brief description of the impact of the maintenance on services. Where possible, regular maintenance will be performed after 10 p.m. EST (Eastern Standard Time). However, if the nature of the maintenance does not permit this, this will be clearly specified in the announcement. 

Depending on the scope and impact of the maintenance, periodic status updates will also be provided via Twitter or through other media. 

If the time-sensitivity of the maintenance is critical, e.g. in the case of critical vulnerabilities, an emergency maintenance window is announced by email. This may be announced at very short notice. If possible, the emergency maintenance is scheduled at such a time that the impact of the maintenance is reduced; however, it could be that the nature of the maintenance does not permit this. 

Reports in the event of incidents

An incident is defined as an unexpected departure from the agreed terms and conditions or agreed service level that is not caused by the User. 

Types of incidents include: 

  • Availability incidents
  • Security incidents
  • Privacy incidents

If an incident occurs, a report will be sent within two working days containing a description, the cause of the incident, its consequences, and measures taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. This report is sent to the relevant contact address registered with PDA International. 

Client Responsibilities 

The User agrees and acknowledges that the Services will only be available where it maintains a sufficiently fast and reliable internet connection, and uses a modern browser environment.  

The User also agrees and acknowledges that it is responsible for maintaining backups of its data, including those data held on PDA systems.  

Service desk

PDA International provides email access to the service desk for the reporting of issues and for submitting queries. This service desk is available on working days based on the Argentine calendar. The service desk is closed on official public holidays in Argentina and on weekends. 

The service desk can also be reached by telephone or skype. For any issues of any nature reported by telephone, an email message must also be sent, containing a description of the issue. PDA International will subsequently be able to use this email for issue registration and responses. 

Any reported Problems are subject to a maximum response time according to the beginning of the next two business day (48 hours) 8/5 User Support 

24/7 Infrastructure Support 

PDA servers and services are monitored constantly, which tracks key performance indicators such as available RAM, CPU load, hard-drive speed, website and PDA System availability. In case of an alert which indicates that the services are not working as expected, PDA Support team will be addressing this issues to ensure a high availability of the PDA Services and resolve the problem as soon as possible.

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